Voting with Rubber Bands, Weights, and Strings


Move a vote from p>r>q to q>r>p by clicking the “Change Vote” button below, and let the red point come to rest.


Click the button again to change it back.

Now add a vote to q>r>p by clicking on its point. What happens to the outcome with this additional vote? How is the winner related to the ranking of the additional vote?


Suppose all ties are to be broken via alphabetical order. Then the voter here with sincere preferences p>r>q might wish to flip his ranking upside down, casting q>r>p. Pre-flip, the winner is r. Post-flip, a three-way tie is broken in favor of p, the manipulating voter’s top choice. This situation represents a failure of irresolute half-way monotonicity, hence of irresolute one-way monotonicity.
Model:   Mean   Mediancentre
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